Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snip, Snip, Here & a Snip, Snip, There!

On Saturday Anastasia came up with a brilliant idea to get her hair cut! She originally asked for her hair to be only 2 inches long, but the hairdresser and myself convinced her that shoulder length hair is best for a little princess like her!

She looks so grown up! Can't believe we will be celebrating her SIXTH birthday this year!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Walk to Remember

Last week (I know I'm very slow at updating this!) Ali and I took the kids to the park! Ali said there was a park about the same distance as the park we always go to (which is 10 minutes away). So I agreed and we started walking to the new park...and walking...and walking...and walking...Turns out it was ALOT farther than he thought! But we enjoyed the walk anyways!

And as Max rode his bike, Anastasia rode her princess scooter :)

When we finally made it there, the kids had a blast! Anastasia decided to go UP the slide...

...while Max went up the monkey bars!

It was a great park, but I think next time we will drive there!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sisterly, Brotherly & Cousinly Love!

Yesterday we went to visit our FAVOURITE cousin Christina and hang out with her for the day!

We started off the day making a trip to DQ for a delicious Blizzard then off to the park for some fun on the playground!

Then of course we finished it off with a photoshoot!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just Another Day

After a busy day at work, I finally get to pick up Anastasia from school and see her smiling face :) She makes me so happy when I see her! So we drive all the way to our house, and I start making us some dinner. Anastasia goes upstairs to her room and yells down to me "Mommy, don't come in my room K, cause I have a surprise for you!". "Okay I won't!" I yell back. And she comes down the stairs and this is what she's wearing!
What a silly girl! So I got to eat dinner with the cutest Lady Bug I've ever seen!

After dinner it was bathtime because Anastasia has picture day tomorrow for school! So we needed to scrub our fingers and toes and make sure we smelled pretty! Once she came out of the tub I ran into her room to grab something and came back to this:

When did she grow up? I still remember holding her in my arms giving her a bottle when she was only a few months old! I can't believe she is almost 6! Where did the last 5 years go? 

Well since it is picture day tomorrow we had to end off with a practice photo of how she is going to smile tomorrow. Well...lets just say it turned out Beautiful!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Park Fun!

Last night my sister came over to hang out with us and go to the park! Ali & his son Max came with us and we took Tanner with us too! We attempted to fly Anastasia's kite but it wasn't windy enough. But I'm sure we will have more opportunities to fly it this summer!
This is our favourite thing to do at the park! Going on the Teeter Totter!!!

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